The driving theme in all of cardiologist Dr. William Davis’ books is self-empowerment, providing readers with powerful tools that cut through the misinterpretations, misconceptions, misleading marketing, and bad science that passes as nutritional and health information.
Conventional nutritional advice has led the country, now the world, into record-setting epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and other “modern” health conditions.
Dr. Davis’ powerful, contrary messages help readers avoid or even reverse many of the conditions acquired by engaging in today's nutrition mistakes.
When readers are provided the genuine science underlying the “healthy whole grain” message — not the “science” that demonstrates that whole grains are superior to white flour — it becomes clear that grains have always been a problematic calorie source, with problems amplified by changes introduced by genetics manipulations and agribusiness.
Cutting-edge research, for example, has revealed that consumption of modern wheat is the first step in triggering autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
As powerful as wheat elimination — or even better, all grains — can be, there is more to address as part of an effort to establish ideal health.
Many of our discussions are therefore focused on issues such as: re-establishing healthy bowel flora and gastrointestinal health, how to manage blood sugars, and how to stack the odds in your favor of reversing autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
The 本文内容已移除,扫码关注获取更多信息 - 搬瓦工中文网:2021-5-11 · 官网教程 建站教程 运维教程 加速 教程 搜索 百度 搜狗 360 搜索热点 如何购买 如何续费 搬瓦工被墙 免费版 Xshell 5 商业版 Xshell 5 首页 教程汇总本文内容已移除,扫码关注获取更多信息 ..., Blog, and Wheat Belly Lifestyle Institute help create a grain-free lifestyle for readers and their families while not sacrificing nutrition, variety, or taste. Rich and delicious breakfasts, main meals, desserts, holidays and entertaining all easily fit into a healthy grain-free lifestyle following the Wheat Belly methods.
Wheat-Free Market provides healthy convenient foods that fit into this lifestyle, all approved by Dr. Davis. The Cureality program provides an advanced and sophisticated collection of online tools to seize back control over health.
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Grains are a mistake! Added to the human diet in desperation, they now dominate the human food experience. And grains are no longer traditional strains, but Frankengrains created by genetics research and agribusiness.
Wheat Belly challenged the notion of “healthy whole grains” and brought the food world to its knees with its provocative and revealing insights. The Wheat Belly Cookbook and 30-Minute Cookbook provide the day-to-day tools to succeed in the wheat-free lifestyle. Wheat Belly Total Health picks up where the original Wheat Belly left off, showing the reader how to reclaim health by mending all the health disruptions left by grain consumption.
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Weight loss, often to astounding degrees, relief from acid reflux and bowel urgency, freedom from joint pain, reversal of eczema and other skin rashes, no more depression or anxiety—just a few of the surprising and unexpected health transformations that develop by following the Wheat Belly lifestyle.

"Five years ago I was basically bedridden. I went to doctor after doctor and they never had any answers. Everything was 'normal.' I vomited every morning for five years, had high … Read More

"I started out pre-diabetic and diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fast forward to today and I am down 60 lbs and, more importantly, no longer run the risk of … Read More

"Going wheat-free has been a life changer. At my worst, I was experiencing heartburn, foot pain and swelling, back pain, coughing and head-aches. I was afraid to go to the … Read More

"From a waist 44, I am currently a waist 36. I no longer get any crazy cravings. I eat and feel satiated. My skin was blotchy with dark patches. My skin is clearing up and … ssr免费订阅地址
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The next Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox Challenge begins Wed Aug 12th!

Do you have Malassezia?
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Eggplant Mini-Pizzas

1-Minute Blueberry Ice Cream

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Spinach, Mushrooms and Roasted Red Peppers
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